What Does the Truth Look Like?




If we can hold fast to the revelation of the truth I have been sharing with you for the past five posts, what difference does it make? How would we be different in our lives and the living out of that truth?


Would we cease striving, ever trying to do more to get closer to the Lord or gain His acceptance?


If we have fallen prey to doing so many things for a long time, we might find ourselves puzzling over what our day-to-day life might look like as we embrace the truth of our union with Christ.


We have all those things on our “to do” list, don’t we? What happens with them? What happens with all the spiritual disciplines we have learned we are to incorporate into our lives?


Good questions!


Throughout this series of posts I have often quoted Dave Hickman’s words in Closer Than Close because it was this book that impacted me so deeply that I wanted to share my reflections of it with you. His words once again give me direction for those pesky questions I just asked.


“Richard Foster, in his classic work, A Celebration of Discipline, speaks of the disciplines as ‘the path of disciplined grace.’ Prayer, Scripture reading, silence, solitude—they are each a grace because they are free. Yet they are disciplines because ‘there is something for us to do.’ And that ‘something’ has more to do with intentional positioning than constant pressing; more to do with conformity to Christ than proximity to him.”


Let those words soak in for a few minutes.


If I am clear on my union with Christ and my salvation being Him, then those things on my ‘list’ become less about something I must do, must not forget, and more about wanting to enjoy this union and celebrate it with Him as often as possible. Then I want to slip away to sense that level of intimacy without interruption. Then I will long for that time, not so I can be closer to Him but rather because I am as close as I can possibly be.


I can get more in touch with what Brother Lawrence meant about practicing being in His presence…. presence that was already there, but he was not aware of.


I can become more tuned into how many times and places I see Him throughout each moment.


In Everything Belongs by Richard Rohr, he talks about God’s presence in this way:


“We cannot attain the presence of God because we’re already totally in the presence of God. What’s absent is awareness. Little do we realize that God is maintaining us in existence with every breath we take. As we take another it means that God is choosing us now and now and now.”


We all often talk about our busyness, sometimes busyness about very good things, and sometimes busyness about ministry things, church things.


Whenever we talk about busyness the word tiredness almost always follows. It can be physical, emotional, mental, relational, or spiritual tiredness. Often it is a combination of more than one of these.


As I consider the truth marinating in my heart, mind, and spirit during this series, I see that busyness becomes an enemy especially because it gets in the way of my awareness of Him and the ways He wants to show me Himself. If I am preoccupied with doing throughout my day, will I never notice how beautiful the sunrise was or that my new rosebush is blooming and what fragrance it is giving me…. fragrance that He designed.


I also will not notice or observe those around me, the expressions on their faces or in their bodies that give me clues about what may be impacting them and what He wants me to see in that, to be in that.


I also will not hear them or at least I will not hear them accurately.


I am sure you can guess the list can and does go on and on.


These truths also remind me of what I sensed Him saying to me some years ago that I wrote in my journal:


“I long to speak to you in these morning hours, to encourage your faith and lift up your heart. It has taken us awhile to come to these interludes and I most often just want to remind you that I long to speak to you. I always desire to speak to my children. I want them to know me so intimately that they will immediately recognize any false voice. In that way they will learn not to be ensnared by the subtle devices of the enemy.”



22 thoughts on “What Does the Truth Look Like?

  1. I have to read the others but those quotes from the books are convicting. I know I have to let go of that list of dos and donts and just experience Him. I think clearly it has to do with His love for us and how it can motivate us when we let go of the lists. visiting from Thankful Thursday

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