What Do You Hold In Your Hand?

When I consider the question, I often look at what I hold physically in that moment in time. Perhaps it is the wooden spoon I am using to stir batter. Perhaps it is the iron as I press a shirt. Perhaps it is my camera, my journal, my Bible, or a favorite book.

 For Moses, it was a staff that was used to demonstrate the power of God to Pharaoh. For David, it was a sling and a smooth stone, which felled Goliath. In both these biblical examples, the things were commonplace to the men who used them and yet God used the commonplace to do something extraordinary.

 The more serious question I then ponder is what do I consider commonplace or ordinary, why do I view these things in that way, and what might they become when submitted to God?

 Gutzon Borglum looked at a mountainside in the Black Hills of South Dakota and envisioned his sculptor’s hands creating what we know as Mt. Rushmore. He used tools that were common to him along with a vision of what they could create even though it had never been done before. He saw something no one else did and created it so we could all see the wonder.

 Theodore Roosevelt in an address at Carnegie Hall in 1912 said, “We, here in America, hold in our hands the hope of the world, the fate of the coming years; and shame and disgrace will be ours if in our eyes the light of high resolve is dimmed, if we trail in the dust the golden hopes of men.” He saw something, believed something that was and also was yet to come with both the potential and the responsibility to act wisely with what had been placed in our hands as a nation.

These realities give me pause. What do I hold in my hand that could become extraordinary? What do I see that others may not see and how can I give them a glimpse of it?

 I can only answer that when I risk discovering what it is for me. Then, I must believe in what I see as Moses, David, Gutzon Borglum, Theodore Roosevelt, and countless others did, but I must also gain courage to act on it and discover in that process what God saw all along.





2 thoughts on “What Do You Hold In Your Hand?

  1. This is great! I have been thinking, looking for that very thing.

    It’s that whole idea of “Lord, why do you let this or that happen?” (for me) His reply is “I did handle it, I created you.” That which seems overwhelming, how do I even put a dent into it?

    It also reminds me of a song about not losing your soul…Everything that I see draws me,
    Though it’s only in You that I can truly see that its a feast for the eyes- a low blow to purpose.
    And I’m a little kid at a three ring circus. — Kirk Franklin, tobyMac

    So ultimately keeping my relationship a two-way street with God will in my mind, answer that question for each season of my life. Or at least that is my prayer.

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