Journey Into the Unknown




I confess to being a Star Wars fan. Our family has great memories of waiting in line to see the very first in the movie series, Episode IV-A Lost Hope that was released May 25, 1977. It was a given that we were looking forward to Episode VII-The Force Awakens when it was released December 18, 2015.


The series brings back images of westerns of an earlier time period where the battle between good and evil was somehow clearer than many movies today.


I think our hearts are captured by the conquest of the good and right standing against the evil. Perhaps it gives us hope in our own battles and conquests that ultimately good will win out over evil, light will prevail over darkness.


When Star Wars came on the scene it took us on journeys into the unknown. There were galaxies beyond our own to discover, bizarre and eerie characters to study, and sorting out the truth about “the Force” accompanied by a musical score that accentuated the story unfolding on the screen. That same musical score would be etched in our memories as high school bands learned it and used it as a highlight of their halftime shows at fall football games.


I wonder if we recognize movies about treks into space are not the only journeys into the unknown.


Each of our days is just such a journey. Yes, I make plans and think of seasons of life common to us all, but each day unfolds revealing how little control I have over its twists and turns. Somehow I can feel less excited about that than I might in a movie.



My journey into the unknown requires so much more of me than a space movie.


One of my favorite Bible stories of journeying into the unknown is found in Joshua. For as horrible as conditions in Egypt were for the children of Israel, it became clear soon enough after they crossed the Red Sea that the trek they were beginning would expose them to much they had never seen or experienced. The conditions would not be easy and we know how they faltered under the leadership of Moses and balked at times when Joshua took the lead.


The Israelites were stepping off into the unknown, but have we forgotten that it was not unknown to God?


God knew the destination and had planned for the route He desired them to take. He also knew it would birth a new level of faith and trust in the people He had called out of slavery in Egypt. The conditions they faced would not be comfortable, but that was less significant to God. He knew these conditions would be temporary, but the development of their faith and trust would endure forever.


The Israelites needed to learn God could be trusted.


So do we.


The Israelites needed to know the land the spies had described that was flowing with milk and honey was not to be the source of their faith. Their faith and trust needed to be in the One who had bequeathed the Promised Land to them.


Page by page in the book of Joshua we discover the challenge to grow in faith that God was good and was for their good as they wandered day by day extending into forty years of their lives. The children of Israel also needed to come to grips with the unexpected challenges they faced and the fears that sought to overtake them.


I wonder if the journey was less about gaining the Promised Land and more about believing that God could be trusted.



Isn’t His first and foremost desire to be in relationship with and for us to know Him as He truly is? To know He is good. To know He is trustworthy. To know that our unknown is not unknown to Him.


Consider this…


Is that what He also wants us to see on our own journey into the unknown?



3 thoughts on “Journey Into the Unknown

  1. Pam, this was so encouraging, especially as I am in a period in my own life of waiting on the Lord–I especially liked this–“The Israelites were stepping off into the unknown, but have we forgotten that it was not unknown to God?” Thank you so much for sharing–

    Visiting from Women with Intention 🙂

  2. Pam, I so appreciate that “our unknown is not unknown to Him”! Praying for your family and Sydney on your journey.

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