Choose What Leads to Life




Old habits die hard they say.


One of those is what we understand about guilt. Before we come to know the Lord, unless our conscience is seared we experience what we call guilt and its lingering shadows. Those shadows touch more parts of us than we often recognize.


What we understand about guilt after we invite Jesus into our lives depends on what we are taught to think and feel about guilt. Sadly, sometimes when we are growing up we hear messages suggesting we should feel guilty when we have made a mistake. As a result, even after we are believers we can still label what we feel as guilt when we make a mistake or fall prey to sin.


Sometimes the problem of guilt seems less common today than it once was perhaps. The new independent individualism typical of our current culture tends to result in justification for mistakes or sinful choices. It is commonplace to hear statements like “that’s just the way I am” or “that’s the way God made me”. We easily deflect responsibility and blame. We also tend to shift blame to others.


It is rare to hear someone accept personal responsibility for his or her choices and decisions.


I see that as I look at my own life and how little I understood about this issue of guilt as a result of a lack of discipleship when I first came to know Jesus.


I also saw and heard it for many years in my counseling practice. People were locked up by guilt for things past and present. I still hear it now as I overhear conversations.


The effects of unhealthy guilt in our lives have tentacles that wrap around several areas of our life. The first and easiest to spot is hostility and defensive reactions in which someone else is blamed for the issue or problem.


A second group of effects include self-condemnation reactions such as insecurity, anxiety, an inability to relax, the refusal to receive compliments, a pessimistic outlook, and a feeling of inferiority.


These first two can lead to social reactions that can cause us to isolate and alienate ourselves from others. Ultimately all of these can produce physical symptoms as a result of the stress we experience from the unrelieved habit of guilt.


Guilt leads to death within us.


Here is the good news!


If we learn to differentiate between unhealthy guilt and godly conviction, we can be set free from the confusion these can cause.


What does unhealthy guilt look like?


  • It causes confession about how bad we are and usually the confession is compulsive, impulsive and repeated.


  • It deals with laws and rules, the should and should not’s.


  • It refuses to yield to forgiveness.


  • The primary focus is on self and the past.


  • The motivation for change is to avoid feeling bad.


  • Our attitude toward ourselves is frustration.


By contrast, let me give examples of godly conviction:


  • Confession that is concerned with the act itself of sin or mistake rather than how rotten I am.


  • Godly conviction deals with relationships (God, self, and others).


  • Godly conviction always yields to forgiveness.


  • The primary focus is God or others and damage to others and a desire to correct future deeds.


  • The motivation for change is to help others, to do God’s will and experience feelings of love.


  • Our attitude toward ourselves includes love, respect, and concern.


Godly conviction leads to life!


The good news, the gospel, tells us in Luke 4 in the words of Jesus quoting out of Isaiah 61 that He came to set the captives free, to bring pardon, to bring life.


When you are tempted to get mired in guilt, remember that guilt leads to death. Because Jesus came to bring life and IS life, guilt would not be coming from Him. His enemy who condemns us and brings death still likes to masquerade and confuse us on this topic.


When Jesus sees us caught in a sin or ensnared in a habit that can destroy us, He brings godly conviction (not condemnation). That brings life. It isn’t any wonder, is it?


Jesus is life. He came to bring us life and life more abundantly.



Star Magnolia





















10 thoughts on “Choose What Leads to Life

  1. Oh those crazy should’s and should not’s! Guilty! I hadn’t looked at those statements coming from guilt, yet I see how they do. Thank you for this message today.

  2. Pam, I think this is such an important issue. Not viewing ourselves and our mistakes through His lens can produce either a calloused heart or a self-absorbed heart. Jesus calls us to focus on Him and His perfect work. Bless you, my sweet friend, for walking in the light and shining that light!

  3. This is just fabulous, Pam. The enemy of our souls loves to send us on endless guilt trips that immobilize us, weigh us down like wet wool blankets, keep us beating ourselves up, and keep us mired in woulda / coulda / shouldas.

    That conviction of the Holy Spirit is so completely different isn’t it. He gently but firmly guides us into all truth, and will point out specific sins, so we can confess them and move ahead in joy and grace.

    For which I am so deeply thankful …

    1. Thanks, Linda! You are so right about the enemy of our souls and he is an expert on just how and where to accomplish it with each one of us. Blessings and love coming your way!

  4. Amen! What a wonderful post! I so agree with you…resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, I am free to receive His love and grace, and freely forgive others. Many blessings to you!

  5. Grateful for you this AM for this well written piece, drawing the difference between God’s conviction without condemnation and unhealthy guilt along with the result of each- life giving self correction vs. unnecessary suffering inflicted on self and others. Well done!

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