Who But God!



As I look at the swirl of tragic news filling every means of reporting, I am reminded of the warfare in it all. I can be tempted to agree with those who lay blame to all the technological advances that pour all of this news out without sifting much of it for truth or a need to be shared. I can also be tempted to see the ways it can be used for so many negative and harmful things.


I look at the Internet and how it is used to dull our minds with its endless rabbit trails as well as how it can seduce us and take us away from our values and beliefs. I see how it can trap anyone into relationships and entities that are dangerous, unsafe, and evil. I see as well how it can be used to allow those who are intent on evil to communicate and achieve their ends of death and destruction on innocent people who are just going along doing life.


All of it seems to heighten my awareness of the power we give over to this invention and the enemy’s blatant use of it.


Over and over I hear the cry to unplug from all the devices we have that pull us toward these things. It’s true there are important boundaries that must be set for our children and us as well. But recently as I was reading several posts from other bloggers that offered encouragement, calls to prayer, exhortations to community and the Word, I felt as though the Lord gave me another view that many of us are missing.


The Lord has prompted so many to create websites and write or blog with messages of hope, testimonies of grace, calls toward enhancing our spiritual lives, and deepen our walk with Him. We do it as we feel led or have time.


We step out into thin air and share reflections and truths the Lord has worked into our own hearts and lives. When we are real, we confess to our venerable feelings about the risks we take to share and put our lives and hearts “out there” to the possibility of being misunderstood and judged. We acknowledge how inadequate we can often feel as well as the fear that can creep in when we take such risks.


Will anyone read it? What will those who know me think? What about people who have no idea of who I am, read it, and reach conclusions far from the truth? (Am I reading some of your minds?)


If that resonates with you, what I want you to hear and see that connects with the photo is that the Lord also has given me a glimpse of how He is using us to provide a network of little lights encircling the world.


Who but God could create a stealth network of His children using the very tools that the enemy believes are his domain to spread light, truth, and hope to the world weighed down with so much?


We are His witnesses.


We write from far-reaching places. We sit with computers in large cities and small, in apartments and homes, in different states, on different continents. We sit in the midst of our own lives in whatever season we are in and the Lord births in us those words that show up on our screen. We can doubt their worth and much of it can be simply our own reflecting, but I think He is still the author and we are His testimony.


We have no real certainty how our readers find us despite a foggy idea perhaps about search engines and various classes and courses on blogging and marketing. We sometimes can be tempted to forget it all, but there is a call in us, a passion in us that keeps whispering and nudging us even on days we may feel we have nothing to say or nothing that others would find worth reading.


I think when the Lord gave me this picture of us, He wanted me to debunk all those lies and remind you and myself that He is in this. As we offer ourselves to Him in what we share, we lay it in His hands for his use.


We may never know how, where, or with whom He uses it, but after all is said and done it was always about Him anyway and the call and gifts He placed in us that we acted on despite those who may have caused us to doubt we could or should.


God has a habit of using unknown people in ways that astounds those whose fame is well known.


God has agents of His own spreading the truth of His gospel as “light bearers”.


And so, I can be content and humbled that we are a stealth army, a force for His kingdom and His purposes using the very devises the enemy believes he owns.




34 thoughts on “Who But God!

  1. Pam, I think all bloggers can relate to this. It’s such a struggle to put ourselves out there, wondering if anyone will read and are we doing the right thing. There’s such a pull of time associated with social media and blogging and I often wonder if it’s worth it. Usually that’s when God gives me a glimpse of someone it has touched. It’s worth it even for the one! Linking up with you today at #OneWordCoffee linkup.

  2. Pam, I have been enjoying ‘catching up’ on some of your earlier posts – what a wonderful encouragement to me and bloggers everywhere! I appreciate your description of bloggers as part of God’s network, agents as His witnesses for His ultimate purposes! This post resonates with me – thanks for sharing your heart here!

    1. I hear you about “catching up”. That happens to me many times when we are out of town or have company or a big project like we did a few weeks ago when we painted a hallway and guest room. I really felt the Lord gave me this particular post as a specific encouragement for all of us who are doing this. God’s best to you, my friend!

  3. Thank you for this. It is no accident that I have read it. Blogging has been a ministry for me and as with any ministry discouragement comes. Each time I have felt like throwing in the towel God has used someone to remind me that He is in this and it is for his glory and purpose. Today you are my reminder.

    1. Hi Joy! I am so glad your were encouraged. I sensed from the Lord this particular post was really for all of us who do this. Blessings on your day and weekend.

  4. Great points, Pam. I try to keep all of my blogging and social media use on an uplifting level. I never want anyone to feel negative based on anything I’ve written! There is enough bad in the world!

  5. Great message! The social media scene, can be used for good or evil. Everyday we all make that choice in how we will impact the world and the responsibility we’ve been given through these tools. Thanks for sharing today.

  6. Hi Pam! I think you read a lot of people’s minds with this post. We all start writing and blogging for different reasons, but it all boils down to faith. We hopefully all believe we can add some light in the darkness, share the truth, encourage and support. In other words, be Christ to each other.

    If that means using the very tools that can be used for ugliness, well…that brings a lot of light to a lot of darkness. Thank you for shining your light right here.
    Easter blessings,

    1. Hi dear friend! For all of the ways we are different, there is an element in all offs that is similar I think. Your consistent encouragement buoys my soul!

  7. This reminds me too, of how we are to be in the world, but not of the world. You make such a valid point that, yes, the internet can be a source of darkness, leading people astray, but ‘light pushes back the darkness!’ So much hope in that! And encouragement.

  8. Oh this beauty right here, Pam –>’network of little lights encircling the world.’

    Yes, let’s let our lights shine, in this fashion, in this season. He has called us to this work. And may He profit the works of our hands, steadily and firmly held in His.

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